Pepi Amodeo


sound arts, biodiversity, field recording, data

bandcamp soundcloud youtube flickr instagram github facebook instagram mail

Language: EN ES

As a biologist, I'm a programmer

As a programmer, I'm a musician

As a musician, I'm a sound artist

As an artist, I'm a biologist

Sorry it's just me, not anybody else

Welcome! This is my personal web page where I share some of my projects related to sound arts, music, data and biodiversity.

I’m a biologist and work with data on biodiversity and environmental science. I’m a musician and sound designer. I’m interested in the interaction between science and arts with focus on biodiversity and soundscapes. I explore sounds in different nature-culture scenarios by means of contemplation, field recording, digital processing and their re-interpretation under different contexts.

Here you will find a wide variety of projects where I participate as a musician or sound artist… and of course, as a biologist. Hope you enjoy and please feel free to contact me if you are interested in some exchange or collaboration.

Field Recordings

NEW ALBUM Los Alerces


Music - Progressive Rock

Music and Sound Design for Videogames, animation and media

Music and Sound Design for dance


If you are interested on my academic profile on biological sciences and data analysis, here are some links.

researchgate github


I’m a fan of modern boardgames. I mostly like medium weight euro games. Here you can see my game collection on BGG.


I love narrative videogames. Here you can see my reviews on Steam.

